A few people have asked me why I jailbreak my iOS device, and what aftermarket jailbreak packages I install on my device for what purposes. Instead of answering this over and over, I figured I’d go ahead and make a list here of some of the things I use on my iDevices.
- Activator - allows you to specify gestures for various functions and/or apps. For example, I can swipe up from the bottom left of the screen to bring up a quick entry text message window via BiteSMS. Makes life easy and fast for commonly used things. Free.
From top to bottom: SBSettings and OpenNotifier; Weather; NCSettings; Calendar, Instagram, WeeTrackData, and QuickTweet/BiteSMS for rapid tweeting/texting.
- BiteSMS - an iMessage-capable SMS replacement program. Supports group messaging, quick reply, scheduled messages, and a ton more. Recommended if you do any texting at all. $7.99.
- Multicleaner - Provides a quick method to close apps for better memory management. $0.99.
- NCSettings - Puts a bunch of toggles for wifi, Bluetooth, cellular data, and other system-level functions in your Notification Center so you can quickly toggle things with a couple swipes. Uses icongraphy that matches the black/white icons of the iOS status bar. Free.
- OpenNotifier - This hack can put little icons near the battery indicator on your iDevice when new mail/IMs/texts are received. Very handy to see if you have messages waiting without unlocking your device. Free, but there’s an optional icon pack (OpenNotifier Premium Pack) that’s $0.99.
Bottom line is, there’s a bunch of packages that let you extend the functionality of your iOS device in ways that Apple never intended. Don’t be afraid of jailbreaking, it’s pretty neat stuff.