WildBill's Blogdom

Mongo only pawn, in game of life.

Spammers Suck Ass.

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I don’t know how many of you reading this (Hi Mom!) have been inundated with spam. I know it’s the major bane of my existence… not only do they clog up my inbox with pure, unadulterated, shit; but they also make sending simple email difficult because every mail server operator worth his salt is setting up anti-spam filters faster than you can say, “Recall Gray Davis”. But I’m not bitter, no, I’m not fucking bitter. Check out what Wil Wheaton had to say about this subject - he’s suffering from much the same problem as me, and many other people. Hopefully there will be some tough anti-spam legislation coming out of Sacramento or Washington - cause for us grunts fighting the ground war, it’s really tough out there.